And this little thing is small, strange and I get some animosity from her face and eyes, but I love the shit out her and the strange colors and texture within her 10 x 12 inch frame <3
It's called "Fairy with bee wings". Don't ask me why her background looks like really thick smoke or why she has bee wings; the only thing that was clear about her when I started her, were her skin, eye color and hair, other than that, I had no idea the wings would be bee wings and I was completely lost about the background.
Although I like her eyes, I think what I like most are her lips and the wings. I'm really proud of the wings, they look beautiful.
So yeah, here you have her: "Fairy with bee wings", I think I'll put her up for sale at like USD250.00 :hmm
2. Detail of face and wings. Really proud of that little mouth <3
3. Another detail of wings and face, a bit closer now.
- In the two art exhibits in December, I sold a piece in each <3 I hardly made back the money I paid to put the pieces in one of the art exhibits, but it doesn't matter. I sold "V", a good and fond friend bought it.
And I sold one of the five little drawings, the one called "I will be a beautiful rebel", to some dude that was super awesome enough to write to me in facebook and tell me. Srsly, it made my day/week/year/life:
Como estas Gaby, mi nombre es Rodrigo, tebusque en el facebook solo paera decirte que soy el feliz poseedor de un Handal hecho a lapiz, si mi memoria no me falla(la tengo en la oficina) se llama I am a beautiful Rebel o algo asi ..... quiero decirte que desde la vi donde Analissa me gusto asi que ahora esta en mi pequeño cubiculo mirandome con sus extraños parpados en formas de alas...... Que estes muy bien !!
He says he looked for me in facebook just to tell me that he's the happy owner of a pencil made Handal piece :lol
And that from the moment he saw it, he liked it and now he has it in his cubicle, looking at him with his strange lids shaped like wings.
- And I'm algo going to participate in another art exhibit for female art. I haven't decided what piece I'm going to put there yet, but yeah <3
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- Become a fan in facebook Gabriela Handal Arte and invite other people, too!