Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This entry is about some of my most recent drawings, one finished and two that are in progress. The two that are in progress are commissions.

1. This is the most recent one, I finished this today, it's 3B pencil over paper and it's a mouth that I found in tumblr that I really liked and decided I'd draw it.

2. This is one of the commissions, it's a representation of Medusa and the future owner asked me to use Laetitia Casta as a reference, with emerald tree boas in her head and body of an anaconda. This one's 2B pencil over paper and this is the most recent progress shot.

3. This is the second commission and it's a skeleton tearing through skin. This one's also 2B over paper and this is the most recent progress shot and the anatomical chart that I'm using as guide for the head.

- This is a link to my Facebook page, if you really want to keep up to date with my work, you should like it, I'm always posting something that I'm working on there: Gabriela Handal Arte

This is it for now, thanks a lot for reading <3

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