Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A self portrait

FINALLY another blog entry! I got a part time day job and my time to work is reduced by six hours.
I'd been working on a self-portrait for a while now, that had taken me long because I'm lazy, frustrated and there was a lot of hair in the piece that had to be painted. Also, I really liked how it was turning out and I was intimidated with hurrying up with it and fucking it up. So I was taking it slow on top of everything else.
So, in this blog entry, I want to show you the original picture, the process and the end result of the self-portrait.

1. The original picture: Sometimes I go on a personal photo shoot, just so I can have "up to date" pictures of myself and record what I look like from time to time. AND SO, I really liked how this picture turned out, it has an interesting facial expression. Originally, I was just sketching and was only going to draw the left eye, but I liked the picture so much I HAD to draw the whole thing.

2. The process: This series of pictures are the other way around, because they were taken with Photo Booth.
As stated in a couple of previous entries, the process is ALWAYS interesting. The medium is a compressed wood board, 17 x 19.5 inches, covered with several layers of reused news paper and then I cut up a bunch of pieces of paper that I have and stuck them on there.
I used white glue, as opposed to the spray on glue that I have, so there's a certain texture that pushes through the paper, I'd completely forgotten that I have spray on glue x_x

3. The end result: I'm VERY proud of myself. I like how it turned out and I really like how thick the texture of the hair came out.

The group and fan page in facebook are still going on strong, join them both, invite other people and leave lots of comments and feedback!
- Join my group in facebook Gabriela Handal Arte, and invite other people!
- Become a fan in facebook Gabriela Handal Arte and invite other people, too!

I'm also still going to use that PanamaNetBuy place to sell my things, but I'm intimidated by it, so I'm first going to choose one small piece to sell through there and see how it goes, I'll let you know how that goes <3

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mario Benjamin

In the art exhibit I was helping to mount, out of all the things I saw, the works I liked most were from an artist called Mario Benjamin. Maybe somebody's heard of that art exhibit, it's a traveling thing called "Latitudes", it's gone from here by now.
Unfortunately, I didn't smarten up and take pictures and I haven't found those pieces in the internet; but OH WOW, they were amazing.
These are some examples of his work:

These resemble the ones at the art exhibit a lot, in the way they're painted and the colors and wotevz; I don't know if it was the yellow lights and the vibes inside the museum, but the ones there were so hypnotizing and beautiful.
One of them, was vertical not horizontal like the two posted above, red and black and looking down at the viewer with this defying, careless and angry stare. It was my favorite piece in the whole exhibit.
It made me feel as thought it was some sort of creature, that was in it's human form for now. But whatever it was still showed and he still emitted the angry vibes of the creature he is and it constantly struggles to go out.
A pretty mediocre source, if you want to read more about him
I WAS a little frustrated when I read the exhibit's catalogue, though, because I was hoping to read more about him, his paintings and how he feels about them and there was nothing about that. He was saying something about the identity of the artist's country and the stroke or some sort of puzzle type of thing.
I'd like to really pick at his brain and see what's up in there.

I've been pretty busy with a day job I found and working on my usual things, but I'm not stopping!
The group and fan page in facebook are up and going strong, JOIN both of them, invite other people, leave me comments, feedback, opinions, ideas in the wall or the pictures; that would be seriously great! <3

- Join my group in facebook Gabriela Handal Arte, and invite other people!
- Become a fan in facebook Gabriela Handal Arte and invite other people, too!